Food Fads Part of Wheat Show Discussions

A Little Bit Country

Lately, gluten and wheat have been presented as “dietary villains”. While those with celiac disease must avoid gluten for health reasons, others are following gluten-free diets for various reasons that lack scientific basis.

Julie Garden-Robinson, a food and nutrition specialist and professor with the NDSU Extension Service, will discuss the myths and facts related to gluten in our diets and in our food supply. She also will describe current recommendations for grain foods and the role of grains in nutrition and health.

Julie comes to us with a doctorate degree in cereal science and food technology and is a registered dietitian. She develops educational programs for the NDSU Extension Service and does research in the areas of nutrition and food safety. She also writes a weekly column and blog, both titled “Prairie Fair”.

Following Julie, Erica Olson, Marketing Specialist of the North Dakota Wheat Commission, will share efforts the industry is taking to educate the public about the safety of wheat in food diets. Erica is also chair of the Wheat Foods Council. This group is composed of grain producers, millers, baking suppliers, life science companies and cereal manufacturers. The Council develops sound nutritional, educational, and promotional programs that reach health and nutrition professionals, opinion leaders, media and consumers.

The Wheat Foods Council was organized in 1972 by farmers across the country to promote the entire category of wheat-based foods. Since then, the organization has established itself as a leading source of science-based information on wheat and grain foods nutrition.

Grain Groups On Wheat Show Agenda

It has become a tradition for leadership of various cereal grain producer groups to give reports during the Wheat Show about their efforts to enhance profitability of the ag community. These groups work very hard to promote their commodity but are often limited by some type of resource, usually financial. Despite this, they do manage to stimulate research, educate the public and influence public policies.

So this year, look forward to hearing from the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee, North Dakota Wheat Commission, North Dakota Grain Growers, North Dakota Barley Council and U.S. Durum Growers Association.

Speaker is Dynamite

If you want to infuse your brain with more enthusiasm or maybe view your life a little differently, be sure to attend the Recognition Lunch of the Wheat Show on Wednesday, February 4th. The speaker for this event is Mark Lindquist. Not only is he a world touring entertainer but a very good motivational speaker who will make us laugh and maybe shed a tear or two. He has appeared in ABC’s Lost, CBS’s Hawaii Five-O and the Universal Studios movie, “Battleship”. Mark’s hour long presentation is titled “Passion! 8 Steps to Find Yours”.

Regardless of age, all of us must have a passion for something that will give us enjoyment. Mark will help us with that.

Tickets for the luncheon are $10 and can be purchased during the Wheat Show or in advance at the Williams County Extension Office, 302 East Broadway.


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