Richland County Farm Service Agency

Ag Days will kick off at 9:00 am, on Friday, January 16th with Richland County FSA Executive Director, Tammy Lake and her staff, providing an overview on what is currently going on at the Farm Service Agency.

Lake states, "Our main topic of discussion will be the Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Program better known as ARC/PLC. There are many phases to this new signup, so we are hoping to give area farmers an overview of the different signup periods and what requirements they will have between now and next summer." Lake adds, "If time allows, we will also touch on some changes with the Conversation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Noninsured Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)."

Tammy Lake has been with the Farm Service Agency in Sidney for 24 years. She served as a Program Technician before becoming the County Executive Director in August of 2012.

Richland County FSA will have a booth set up at Ag Days where producers can visit them to discuss the many other program changes that have occurred under the new farm bill.


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