Megan Van Emon, a beef specialist and assistant professor in MSU Extension and the College of Agriculture’s Animal and Range Sciences Department, works with beef programs on campus and at the USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City. Van Emon interacts with constituents throughout Montana and serves as a resource for beef producers and Extension agents. Van Emon can be reached at (406) 874-8286, or [email protected].
Emily Glunk, a forage specialist and assistant professor in Extension and the Animal and Range Sciences Department, provides education to Extension agents and Montana’s forage producers and users on the topics of forage-animal-soil interactions and relationships; livestock and equine grazing issues; promoting awareness of best forage-management practices; small-acreage land management; and identifying and addressing questions, issues and opportunities regarding forage-based issues. Glunk can be reached at (406) 994-5688, or [email protected].
Kate Fuller, an economics specialist and assistant professor in Extension and the College of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, conducts research on agricultural pests and diseases, as well as agricultural research and development. Fuller is currently working on developing research and Extension programs, while working on projects relating to the Agriculture Act of 2014, as well as farm and ranch record keeping, valuation of disease-resistant varieties and disease screening programs. This fall she is involved in a 28-community education series on the farm bill. Fuller can be reached at (406) 994-5603, or [email protected].
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