Irrigation – A Crop Changer

Maximize Your $$$ Irrigation Workshop

On Thursday, December 11th at 9:00 a.m. (CST) NDSU will be holding an irrigation workshop at the Williston Research Center (Ernie French Center).

In a Nov. 7, 2014 News Release, NDSU writes, "Over the last 10 years, the MonDak irrigation region has changed dramatically. From the crops being raised to irrigation management, producers are managing their operations differently. One of the biggest question marks in irrigation is how to achieve consistency in crop management and yields along with maintaining quality. To address some these questions, an irrigation workshop has been developed emphasizing research taking place in the region and specific management practices."

The workshop will start at 9:30 a.m. with a talk on disease issues in broadleaf crops from Sam Markell, NDSU Ext Plant Pathologist.

At 10:00 a.m., NDSU Ext Soil Scientist, Dave Franzen, will talk on – What "N" Should I be applying?

At 10:45 a.m., NDSU Ext Sugarbeet Specialist, Tom Peters, will present on "Weed Management Attack"

At 11:00 a.m., WREC Agronomist, Tyler Tjelde, will give a Nesson Valley Irrigation Update and highlight a couple research projects on water management.

Noon Lunch will be sponsored by Mountrail/Williams Electric Cooperative and Agri Industries will be sponsoring the breaks during the workshop. Attendance is free of charge.


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