Holiday Drinking: Keep It Safe

Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years ~ Family Gatherings, Celebrations & Parties the stress of the holidays is overwhelming. The Holiday season is also one of the most dangerous times of the year for alcohol related crashes.

Due to increased festivities there is increased alcohol consumption.

Many of those who drink during the holidays don’t drink often so they have a lower alcohol tolerance. They also tend to underestimate their level of impairment and may drive when they shouldn’t.

Those who drink on a regular basis enjoy the holidays because there are more social events to drink. They also have a higher tolerance level and can consume more alcohol before showing effects. As a result they drink and drive more frequently.

The rush of the holiday season results in drivers rushing more than normal and with our winter road conditions it makes driving even more dangerous.

So what can you do?

When it comes to alcohol consumption there is a safe and healthy limit. The Center for Disease Control recommends those who choose to drink know what a standard drink is. 12oz of 5% beer ~ 8oz of 7% malt ~ 5oz of 12% wine & 1.5oz of 40% or 80 proof distilled spirits. If you choose to drink the CDC encourages doing so in moderation, one standard drink per day for women and two standard drinks per day for men. Don’t drink at all if you are under the age of 21, pregnant or have health problems that could be made worse by drinking.

If you choose to drink do what responsible drinkers do:

Designate a driver before. Sidney Shuttle 433-3636 offers 24/7 transportation, they will take you to your destination as well as home. You won’t have to worry about parking or getting into a cold car.

Set your limit and encourage others to do the same.

Choose nonalcoholic beverages and offer nonalcoholic beverages if you are hosting a party.

You can ensure your holiday season is a relaxing, enjoyable and peaceful one as long as you remember to drink responsibly, and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Don’t become another drunk driving statistic. Be RADD (Report a Drunk Driver) and call 911 if you see an impaired driver on our roadways. You may save the life of some you know.


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