Letter to the editor:

The E-rase your E-waste committee would like to thank everyone who helped us reach our e-cycling goal earlier this month in celebration of our 10th year of providing e-cycling opportunities to the MonDak region.

Our goal was to reach 175 tons of e-waste collected for reuse or proper disposal over the past 10 years, and we made it with a ton and a half to spare! Thanks to the 144 individuals, businesses, agencies and organizations participating in our Sept. 5-6 event who brought in more than 24,800 pounds of e-waste for recycling to put us over the top!

Altogether, we collected a grand total of 44,118 pounds of e-waste at our May and September 2014 E-rase your E-waste events in Sidney and Fairview (May only). That’s more than 22 TONS of e-waste that DIDN’T go into our local landfill again this year! That e-waste included an estimated 11,185 pounds of plastics, 6,129 pounds of lead and 1.3 pounds of mercury.

Our thanks to everyone who made it possible: our participants, our volunteers, our local media, both print and broadcast, our sponsors and our e-cycler, Yellowstone Solutions Inc. of Billings, whose participation enables us to support a Montana business and still provide free e-cycling for our community.

The organizing committee also wants to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Richland County Solid Waste and Disaster and Emergency Services departments for providing the space along with logistical and financial support for our 2014 events, and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality for providing promotional support. We’d also like to thank volunteers Deb Gilbert and newcomer Jessica Davies for their help with this year’s fall event.

Again, thanks to everyone for making our 10th year of e-cycling another big success!

The 2014 E-rase your E-waste Committee

Jackie Couture, Chairperson


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