Teddy Roosevelt Family Day

Families looking for a fun afternoon filled with outdoor activities are invited to attend Teddy Roosevelt Family Day on Sunday, Sept. 28 at McDowell Dam just east of Bismarck.

The free event runs from 1-4 p.m. and families can come and go at any time. It features many hands-on activities including archery, BB gun shooting, fishing, animal identification, prizes and more.

The first 750 kids who attend also receive a free Teddy Roosevelt patch.

Organized by area Boy Scout, Girl Scout and 4-H organizations, Teddy Roosevelt Family Day is sponsored by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Ducks Unlimited, Delta Waterfowl and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

McDowell Dam is 3.5 miles east of Bismarck on ND Highway 10, then one mile north.


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