MSU Extension Offering Summer Sale on 'Range Plants of Montana' Book

MSU Extension Montana State University Extension is offering a sale on its book “Range Plants of Montana.” A color guide to identifying rangeland plants, the book is designed to be a useful reference for ranchers, land management personnel, students and nature enthusiasts. About two-thirds of Montana, 62 million acres, is classified as rangeland, which supports a large diversity of animal and plant species on varying geography. “Rangelands provide much of what makes Montana special – open space for ranching and recreation, clean air and water and abundant wildlife,” said Jeff Mosley, MSU professor of range science and Extension range management specialist. “The color photographs and non-technical language in Range Plants of Montana will help you discover the plants that inhabit our rangelands and enable you to more fully appreciate the beauty, diversity and complexity of these native ecosystems.” “Range Plants of Montana” reviews 96 common grasses, forbs and shrubs, including characteristics, site and habitat, management considerations and notes on the plant’s response to grazing. Color photos of each plant and drawings are included to assist in identifying grasses, as well as an illustrated glossary and index. The 124-page, spiral bound book is on sale for $9.99 through August 30. “Range Plants of Montana” and many other publications can be ordered online or by calling the MSU Extension Distribution Center at (406) 994-3273.


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