MSU-EARC/Extension 34th Annual Field Day July 24th

Schedule of Events for Thursday, July 24th

8:30 am Refreshments & Registration for Pesticide Application Credits

9:00 am Welcome – Hans Schneider, MSU/MAES EARC Superintendent & Glenn Duff, Interim Dean & Director, MSU College of Agriculture/Agricultural Experiment Station or Barry Jacobsen, MSU Interim Dept. Head of Research Centers Dr. Jeff Bader, MSU Extension Director, DRC & Extension

9:15 am Tour Begins

9:30 am Roshan Acharya MS, MSU Graduate Student, MSU Spring Wheat Stay-Green Characteristic Study. Spring Wheat (Stay-Green Study) planted May 9

9:45 am Dr. Luther Talbert, MSU Bozeman Spring Wheat Breeder, MSU Spring Wheat breeding program. Spring Wheat planted May 8

10:00 am Dr. Joyce Eckhoff, MSU/MAES EARC Agronomist, Durum breeding for Montana. Durm planted May 13

10:15 am Duane Peters, Sidney Sugars, Inc. Agronomist, Sugarbeet Varieties. Sugarbeet planted April 25

10:30 am Dr. Bart Stevens, USDA-ARS Agronomist, Sugarbeet phosphorus study. Sugarbeet planted May 13

10:45 am Dr. Mary Burrows, MSU Plant Pathologist, Wheat, Barley & Pea (pulse crop) Diseases. Barley planted April 26. Peas planted May 12

11:00 am Dr. Hans Schneider, MSU/MAEWS EARC Plant Pathologist, Integrated Control of Beet Cyst Nematodes. Sugarbeet planted May 9

11:15 am Dr. TheCan Caesar, USDA-ARS Soil Microbiologist, USDA-ARS Soil Microbiology Research

11:30 am Dr. Hans Schneider, MSU/MAES EARC Plant Pathologist, Integrated Control of Rhizoctonia Solani. Sugarbeet planted May 22

11:45 am Sherry Turner MS, MSU/MAES EARC Research Associate, Integrated Control of Ascochyta Blight of Chick Pea. Chick Peas planted May 22

12:00 pm Dr. Jerry Bergman, NDSU-WREC Director, Safflower Varieties & Management. Safflower planted May 22

12:15 pm Tim Fine, MSU Extension Richland County, Sidney Community Garden

12:30 pm Sponsored Luncheon


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