Relay For Life of Sidney

More than 5,800 Montanans will be diagnosed with cancer in 2014. Include their family and friends, and the number of people touched by cancer in Montana jumps considerably.

If cancer has touched your life, participating in a Relay For Life event is a way to take action and help finish the fight by honoring cancer survivors, remembering those we have lost, and raising funds and awareness to fight back and help end cancer forever. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life movement symbolizes our shared goal to end a disease that threatens the lives of so many people we love.

The Relay For Life of Sidney is set for Friday, July 25 from 7:00 p.m. until midnight at the Richland County Fairgrounds in Sidney. A survivor dinner is planned prior to the event's opening ceremony from 6:00-7:00 p.m.

The Relay For Life of Sidney is no different than the thousands of events that occur every year. Held overnight, individuals and teams camp out at an athletic track, park or other gathering area with the goal of keeping at least one team member on the track or pathway at all times throughout the evening. Teams do most of their fundraising prior to the event, but some teams also hold creative fundraisers during Relay.

Funds raised at Relay For Life enable the American Cancer Society to impact the lives of those touched by cancer in Sidney and across the state of Montana by offering a number of free programs and services available to cancer patients and their families, including:

Look Good Feel Better – Available in Sidney, Look Good Feel Better is a program that provides women with cancer an educational session run by volunteer licensed beauty professionals on how to manage the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment with the use of scarves, wigs, makeup, etc., Look Good Feel Better and the wonderful people that volunteer their time help women to truly feel better about themselves.

Patient Lodging Program – The Society's Patient Lodging Program works with hotels to provide free or reduced rate accommodations to cancer patients and their families traveling long distances for treatment.

Patient Navigators – Trained staff members provide guidance for cancer patients, their families and caregivers to help them through the cancer treatment experience, with a focus on identifying and eliminating barriers to cancer care for the medically underserved.

Reach to Recovery – An American Cancer Society program that links newly diagnosed breast cancer patients with survivors to offer information, answer questions and provide support while serving as role models for life after breast cancer.

Relay For Life also supports the American Cancer Society cancer research program, helping to fund researchers with cutting-edge investigations and studies. The Society is currently funding 869 grants nationwide totaling more than $446 million.

Funds raised also support, the American Cancer Society's official website which offers the latest information and news on cancer and helps residents in Montana locate resources in their community each month, and 1-800-227-2345, the Society's 24-hour information line which provides free information and support to Montanans every month.

Relay For Life is an incredible and inspiring opportunity to unite as a community to honor cancer survivors, raise awareness about what we can do to reduce our cancer risk, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease.

For more information or to sign up for the Relay For Life of Sidney, visit or contact Lisa Guckenberger at 406.256.7150 ext. 78491 or [email protected].


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