Lower Yellowstone Electric Hires Company M-Power

Lower Yellowstone Electric has hired a company by the name of M-Power, to collect asset information on our entire system. This information will include the type and sizes of poles, conductor sizes, transformer sizes, reclosures types and sizes.The contractors will also be locating primary and secondary underground line.

The data collection is for GPS purposes and will assist in updating the maps LYREC uses. Once the crew has located the underground line, you will notice flags and paint throughout LYREC service territory.

The contractors will be working in LYREC service territory for the next several months including the weekends. Currently they are working between the Richland and Lambert substations. They are driving a Jeep, but soon will be using ATVs that will have Lower Yellowstone’s name on it. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 406-488-1602.


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