Students Make UM Dean's List

At the University of Montana, 2,917 students made the spring semester 2014 Dean¹s List. To qualify for the Dean¹s List, students must be undergraduates, earn a semester grade-point average of 3.5 or higher and receive grades of A or B in at least nine credits. No grades of C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, NC or NCR are allowed. The UM students listed below made the spring semester 2014 Dean¹s List. A ³**² in the ³Honors² column indicates a grade-point average of 4.0. An ³*² indicates that a GPA of greater than 3.5 but less than 4.0 was earned.

Sidney - John Brisben *, Kelsey Halvorson **, Megan Johnson *, Tyrell McPherson *, Miles Netzer *, Zachery Nybo **, Jordan Sullivan **, Nathan Williams **, Circle - Carmen Hinnaland *, Fairview - Gregory Hardy *, Glendive - Bryce Benson***, Ashley Grammens *, Karissa Linn *, Cody Sevier *, Alissa Wynne, Poplar - Taylor Eder *


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