Sidney Lions Club Installs New Officers

Sidney Lions Club installed its new officers for the 2014-2015 year at an evening family BBQ and general meeting Monday under the Lions Club canopy at Veterans Park. New officers are, front from left, Enid Huotari, administrative secretary, Staci Miller, president, Amanda Seigfreid, director; back, Cheryl VanEvery, recording secretary, Kelli Reisig, 2nd VP, Libby Berndt, Lion Tamer, Russ Markwald, 1st VP, Raleigh Peck, Tail Twister, and Raymond Carlson, past president. Not pictured are LaVanchie Starkey, 3rd VP, Yvonne and Ron Gebhardt, joint treasurers, and Sandy Christensen, director. (Photo submtted by Libby Berndt)


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