National PTSD Awareness Day

Friday, June 27 is National PTSD Awareness Day. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is primarily associated with the military, but also affects law enforcement, EMTs, firefighters, and others who have experienced a traumatic event.

DelRae Steinbeisser of Sidney saw an article about a Minot woman, Miranda Schuler, who lined up 22 pair of combat boots to represent the 22 veterans who die every day of PTSD. Schuler's brother is one of those. He committed suicide after returning from Afghanistan.

Steinbeisser asked Schuler if she could use her idea in Sidney and was given an emphatic yes. She then took the idea to Sgt. Jason Severson at the National Guard to see if they would mind. Not only did Severson approve, he asked how they could help. The same response came from Mitchell's Oilfield Service which is building a display to hold the boots; from Signs of Sidney which is donating the banner as well from the VFW and the American Legion.

"The idea has just exploded into a community event from that," Steinbeisser said. "Everyone has been awesome and wanting to help. More and more businesses have stepped forward to help us make this a wonderful experience for our veterans. We have such an amazing community. I've heard so many new people say they've never been anywhere like Sidney before where people just help each other so much. We are blessed."

Those who have gone above and beyond to make the event happen include Sgt. Jason Severson, MT National Guard; Everett Crum, VFW Post Commander; Jeff Waddell American Legion Post Commander; Duane Mitchell, Alan Amundson, Tyrel Bain, Larry Troudt and DelRae Steinbeisser.

The Sidney PTSD Awareness Day event will take place on Friday, June 27 at Veterans Memorial Park beginning at 5 p.m. Veterans and their families are invited to enjoy a free BBQ of burgers and brats, listen to speakers, and receive information on PTSD and support options. The 22 boots will be on display, representing the invisible wounds of PTSD and their stories.

Steinbeisser stressed that there is no sign-in, no registration. It will be totally non-threatening. "We just want everyone to feel welcome and take home what they want from the event," she said. There will be a board for those wishing to sign in their unit, giving organizers an idea of which eras are represented.

The public is invited to take in the displays and learn about PTSD and how it affects so many in our nation and locally.

Donations have been received to help with the event. Everett Crum and the VFW were kind enough to allow the fund to shelter under the umbrella of the VFW so that funds can stay and be used locally. Anyone wishing to contribute can write a check to VFW Post #4099 for the PTSD fund and either mail it to the VFW or drop it off at 124 2nd Ave. NE, Sidney.

If anyone has combat boots from World War II, Korea or Vietnam that they would be willing to loan for the display, please drop them off at the Armory with your name attached. The boots will be returned.

For more information, please contact Sgt. Severson at 406-482-3205.


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