
More settlers were coming in and people realized that a school was needed. There was a German man by the name of Henry Elm in the community who was instrumental in the founding of many of the school districts. He had belonged to German nobility but because of a birthmark on his face, his family was ashamed of him and thought it was a disgrace to have him around. This sent him to school away from home as much as they could. This was an advantage to him as he got a good education. He left home and went to South America where he decided to raise ducks for a livelihood. He laughed when he told this story because his ducks all turned out to be drakes. He was interested in young people and in their education. Although he is gone, his work goes on as he planned his estate to help churches and community projects and to give scholarships to worthy students. The first Mona School was in the Holt home with Marjorie Miller as teacher.

Someone donated land, some did the hauling of supplies then everyone pitched in and helped build the Mona Hall.

We used the hall for church, Sunday school, dances and public school. We also had Mona Literature and Debating Society, a Little German Band and very good dance orchestra.

In 1914 Richland County was formed. There was the business of school districts, roads, and candidates for the new county. The Mona hall was where many meetings and rallies were held. We elected Henry Miller county commissioner, an office he held for many years.


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