Candidates Forum

The Richland County Farm Bureau and the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture have teamed up to host this year’s candidates forum. Please join us Thursday, May 29th, 7:00 p.m. at the County Extension Office, 1499 N. Central Avenue in Sidney.

The offices up for election this year include: Clerk and Recorder, County Attorney, County Commissioner District 1, County Sheriff, District Court Judge District 7, House District 34, House District 35, Justice of the Peace, Superintendent of Schools, and Treasurer. Each candidate will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and present their platform. After each of the candidates give their statements, a question and answer session will be held. Citizens in attendance will compile their questions, which will then be presented to the candidates through a moderator. Richland County and Eastern Montana are in a unique growth period, where each elected official’s position is crucial to the area. As citizens, it is important to learn about your governmental candidates and what they stand for. Richland County Farm Bureau is excited to pair with the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture to present this wonderful opportunity to learn about future leaders.


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