Thank You

The family of Kirstin Wiseman would like to thank everyone for all the flowers, cards, food and support including FCCLA, Key Club, Blue Rock Dist. Co., Sidney High School students, staff, and choir, also Central, West Side, and Middle School, Fulkerson Funeral Home, The Rush, Video Hot Spot, Father Jim O’Neal, St. Matthews, and our amazing community. You have all helped us through this tragic time. Kirstin will be deeply missed by all. Kirstin touched a lot of hearts and it goes to show through the outpouring of support from this community. She was taken from us way too soon! Rest in peace to our beautiful, sweet daughter Kirstin! Thoughts and prayers for Jordan Tyler and family.

Special thanks to Nicole Monsen, Toree Tofte, Lakayla Nentwig, for everything!

Brian, Cyndi, Austin, Grandpas and Grandmas, aunts & uncles.


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