Letter to the Editor

I attended the meeting regarding Intake Dam and the fish bypass last Thursday evening at the Sidney High School, and I left that meeting shaking my head in disgust. The pallid sturgeon mess is just one more project in a long series of events that seem designed to ensure the extinction of one more species in our country: the American farmer.

The American farmer is supposed to step aside for everything and anything: the farmer is to take a back seat for the pallid sturgeon, the American farmer is expected to step aside while Mt Fish and Game prepare to dump buffalo in our back yards, the American farmer is to cease and desist using any sort of farming method or seed or implement that offends the sensibilities of those who know nothing about agriculture, the American farmer is to sit back and allow city folks to have first access to water so these wannabees can jet ski up and down the river, the American farmer is expected to quit farming if it is found that some species or another on his land may be endangered for one reason or another, the American farmer is to quietly allow his grazing land to disappear in favor or whatever hair brained scheme some environmentalist group, government agency, or pseudo scientist has dreamed up.

In short, this overfed nation has no clue about agriculture and has no recognition of the fact that our American farmers provide them with the food on their tables. This nation of fatties has never lacked for food, and as a result, has no appreciation for what the farmer does for this country. This overfed nation is hell bent and determined to destroy the base (agriculture) that keeps this country strong and free.

I have no idea what to do about this. We as agricultural people have tried to get our story out, have tried to educate our urban neighbors about the production of food, but it seems like this information falls on deaf ears. Until we can curb some overzealous environmentalist groups and rein in some bull headed government agencies that care more about buffalo and fish than they do about feeding our grandchildren, we face a world of hurt.

The pallid sturgeon WILL trump agriculture if we do not get this fish passage into place. Please bombard your congressional people to fund this project. Do not limit your remarks to Montana only. North Dakota. Idaho, Arizona, and Wyoming, to name a few, are still states that have irrigation. Write also to the appropriations committees of both the House and the Senate, and do not forget to tell Mt Fish and Game, US Fish and Game, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Army Corps of Engineers your views on the matter.

Thank you.

Lois Kerr Stephens


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