Beginning Saturday, April 26, Williston residents are encouraged to tidy up their personal property: pick up trash and debris, trim trees and shrubs, remove overgrown weeds and mow grass.
“The winter months can really take a toll on the appearance of the City and this event lines up perfectly with the spirit of spring cleaning,” said Nick Vasuthasawat, City of Williston code compliance coordinator. “We always encourage property owners to do their part to beautify the City which in turn fosters a sense of community pride and well-being.”
Clean-up Williston Week is held prior to the Band Day Festival which attracts thousands of spectators to events in Downtown Williston. The week concludes with a city-wide cleaning campaign on Saturday, May 3, from 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Volunteers will meet in the parking lot of Aafedt Stadium/Davidson Park to receive site assignments and helpful supplies such as gloves, safety vests and garbage bags. Free t-shirts with the slogan I Will Keep Williston Clean. Will You? will be given to helpers while supplies last.
“We have divided the City into sections which are assigned to volunteers,” said Clean-up Williston Committee chairperson Dan Manjack.
If any individual, business or organization would like to adopt a specific section prior to Clean-up Williston Day they can call or text Manjack at 701-651-6745.
“We have always relied on volunteers to help with the spring cleaning of the City,” said Williston Mayor Ward Koeser. “But the task has grown as our population, traffic and construction has boomed. We greatly appreciate everyone’s efforts to help make this a fresh and friendly City to live, work and play.”
To help with the clean-up effort the City of Williston will have two trash trucks available to pick up trash bags on May 3rd and the landfill will be open free of charge from 8 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
“This is a great time to get rid of unwanted items and improve the appearance of our community and neighborhoods,” said Manjack.
A number of dumpsters will also be available in the parking lot of Aafedt Stadium/Davidson Park. Residential property owners are encouraged to dispose of qualified electronics, tires and garbage at this time. Williston businesses are asked not to utilize these dumpsters.
A free luncheon will be provided to volunteers at noon at Davidson Park. The Clean-up Williston Committee hopes to see you there!
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