Andrew Friskop - Latest on Fungicide and Diseases in Wheat

On Tuesday, February 4th at 9:40 am Andrew Friskop will be reviewing wheat diseases from the 2013 production season and management options for those diseases. Listeners can expect to hear a review of the fungicide options in wheat with regards to efficacy and timing of applications.

Friskop is a native of North Dakota; born in Rugby and raised in Hankinson. He received a bachelor of science in Crop and Weed Science from NDSU. During the summer of 2008 he became a NDSU IPM crop scout for Marcia McMullen. He then completed the NDSU Plant Pathology Ph.D. program in 2009 with a research focus on developing management tools for sunflower rust. During the final two years of his Ph.D. he was actively involved with managing the cereal crop fungicide trials at the NDSU campus. In August of 2013, he completed his Ph.D. and was hired soon thereafter as the NDSU Cereal Crop Extension Plant Pathologist.


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