Bakken Can for Can Challenge

It started with an idea. Rick Harger of IVM Construction went to his supervisor with the idea to put out a challenge to everybody in the oil industry in the Bakken region. His supervisor loved the idea and told him to run with it.

Now, only days later, over 15 major oil companies and dozens of other companies in the oil industry have accepted the challenge to see which company can collect the greatest amount (by weight) of non-perishable goods and other personal supplies during the ten day challenge.

These companies are collecting goods and supplies at their place of business, will then compile the total weight of the collected items and report it on December 20th. The collected items will then be disbursed to multiple charitable organizations throughout the area. Over sixty locations throughout 15 cities will be collecting for this challenge.

Many companies have put on their game face and even though they are extremely generous throughout the year, are taking this challenge very seriously. "Competition is expected to be stiff," states Harger.

The top 5 companies will have their company name placed on a plaque and the company who collects the most weight in items will take home the plaque to proudly display until the beginning of the 2014 challenge.

If you are not affiliated with a participating company, you can still be a part of this exciting challenge by dropping off your items at Cash Wise in Williston or Watford City, or Reynolds Market in Sidney. Remember the deadline is December 20th.

If you'd like more information, contact Rick Harger at 701-339-1679


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