Domestic Violence During the Holidays

Holidays are usually a time to share peace, love and unity with loved ones. Sadly, for families living in a home filled with domestic violence this is not the case. Domestic violence can affect a family at any time, but added stressors can contribute to increasing violent incidents during holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.

For some, holidays prove to be a stressful period due to added financial burdens, the high costs of presents, social drinking, spending extra time with family and friends, child custody disputes and visitation scheduling conflicts. The above examples should never be blamed as the cause of domestic violence, but they do influence. Remember that the abusive partner chooses to behave in an abusive manner and that stressors do not create violence, however they may fuel an already violent situation.

This holiday season please be a caring support system for your friends and family who may be experiencing domestic violence. Empower them to make decisions they believe will ensure safety for themselves and their children. Listen when they are ready to talk. Refer them to service programs such as the Richland County Coalition Against Domestic Violence, which offers services like personal advocacy and safety planning. Most importantly, offer support and stand by them so that they can be strong enough to make the decisions they feel are right for their families.

For those impacted by domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking, the Richland County Coalition Against Domestic Violence is the catalyst for change, utilizing the empowerment model. We are committed to providing the resources and direction necessary to ensure safety, healing and the prevention of further violence. Our program provides free and confidential advocacy to victims, as well as shelter and support group.

If you are in a violent relationship and/or would like more information about our services please call our office at 406-433-7421. RCCADV provides services to Richland and McCone Counties.


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