Building in Richland County Cont...

This is the last of a series of building articles to provide information that relates to the land use requirements and regulations. More information can be found at or for assistance contact the Building Inspection Office at 115 2nd ST SE, Sidney, MT 59270 or call (406) 433-2809

What is a Certificate of Occupancy?

A Certificate of Occupancy is a document that notifies owners, buyers, or other interested parties that required inspections have been performed and the structure is in compliance with the adopted building codes.While inspections and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy do not guarantee the structure is defect free, it does provide a level of safety to occupants, as well as property protection that would not otherwise exist.In lieu of a Certificate of Occupancy on remodels and small additions, a Certificate of Final Inspection may be issued as confirmation that all the inspections have been completed.

When is a Certificate of Occupancy Necessary?

The permit process provides oversight by an unbiased, third party professional that includes inspection and plan review for code compliance.A Certificate of Occupancy is issued after the builder has requested a series of inspections and has corrected any deficiencies discovered during the construction process. The oversight helps to ensure that minimum safety and protection features have been properly addressed. This adds to the long term value of the property.The end user should demand a Certificate of Occupancy from the owner or contractor as they have paid for the service. When a project is completed without a Certificate of Occupancy it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain one.

Where do I get a permit?

Building permits are issued by Building Inspector, Alton Hillesland, at 115 2nd Street SE. The Building Office is open from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Or you can find the permit application online at This application will still need to be taken to the Building Inspector for approval. For electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits please contact the State of Montana at or call (406) 841-2056.

These are just some general Q&As that a person might have about building permits. For more information please visit, or call the Building Inspector at 433-2809, or contact the State of Montana through their website at


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