Speech & Drama Results

Sidney High School Speech and Drama Team traveled to Circle, Mont. on Saturday, November 16, 2013.  The Drama Team and Speech Team took 1st place in Class A sweeps.

Speech Team:  Michael Waddell took 1st place in Original Oratory, Tori Hill took 1st place in Memorized Public Address, Morgan Barnett competed in Humorous Oral Interp, Laura Elmore took 5th place in Serious Oral Interp, and Michael Stevens took 3rd place in Impromptu.

Drama Team:  Kaitlyn Tibbits took 7th Place in Humorous Solo, Taylor Theissen & Luke Beenken took 3rd place in Humorous Duo, Rachel Ledgerwood took 6th Place in Serious Solo, Ariana Gaskin & Mark LaPan took 3rd Place in Classical Duo and Sara Turek and Camden Berka took 1st Place in Classical Duo.  The teams are by Speech Coach Gail Staffanson and Drama Coach Christy Pierce. Next week they head to Miles City.


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