Volunteer With The Salvation Army

Almost 3.4 million people of all ages volunteered their time, talents, and resources to assist The Salvation Army’s work in FY 2012. Our volunteers are critical partners in helping us fulfill our promise to America of “Doing the Most Good”.

Many of our Salvation Army units across the country list their volunteer opportunities through Volunteer Match. To get involved, please visit the Volunteer Match website http://www.volunteermatch.org. and search with keyword “Salvation Army”.

Dates are available to sign up and “Ring the Bell” at Reynolds and Reese & Ray’s IGA this year for two hour time slots. Please show up a few minutes before your shift; Bob Burnison will meet those on the first shift to get started and pick up from the last shift. Shifts begin on Friday, Nov. 29 and go through Saturday, Dec. 20. Hours for weekdays are from 4 pm to 6 pm only. Saturday shifts include 10 am -12; 12- 2pm; 2 - 4 pm; and 4-6 pm. There are usually two bell ringers needed for each slot. Please call Rita in the RSVP program at 433-2207 to sign up.

How is your donation money used? Every penny donation in the bucket stays in Richland County. It is used in the following ways; food, housing (rental & deposit assistance), utilities (bill or deposit assistance), clothing, emergency housing, emergency vehicle repairs, prescription medication assistance, and other small medical emergencies. The Salvation Army building is located at 504 E. Main St., Sidney, 433-6299. They take donations of clothing and other items.


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