Public Notification of Sex Offenders Residing in McKenzie County

Michael W. Kaminski II resides at 615 10th St SW, Watford City, ND 58854

Offense: Rape in the third degree. Conviction Date: May 6, 2005

ND-Status: Registered. ND-Risk Level: Undetermined

Jordan B. Pitts resides at West Dakota Inn, 708 1st St NW, New Town, ND.

Offense: Sexual Assault. Conviction Date: 06/21/2013

ND-Status: Registered. ND-Risk Level: Undetermined

For additional information concerning this and any other registered sex offender in North Dakota, go to North Dakota sex offender website or call the McKenzie Co. Sheriff’s office fpr information regarding those sex offenders within McKenzie Co.

Community notifications is the responsibility of your law enforcement agency. Attempts to harass, intimidate or threaten these offenders or their families, landlords or employers will be turned over for prosecution.


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