Sidney Cross Country Results

Results for Sidney High School and Sidney Middle School from the cross country meet on Saturday, September 14, that took place in Hardin, MT are as follows:

Varsity Girls-3 miles

Tess Ler- 26th - 22:38

Ashley Ray- 72nd - 30:27

Varsity Boys-3 miles

Zach Sommerfeld-40th - 18:44

Skyler Tibbits-89th - 22:40

Jared Troudt-90th - 23:32

Middle School Girls

2 miles

Sandra Goulette-106th - 19:11

Scottlynn Anglesey-113th - 19:46

Middle School Boys

2 miles

Jacobe Croff-10th - 13:36

The course had changed from what was originally planned due to course conditions from rainfall over the past week. This meant that the course was flatter than expected, but longer than expected for the middle school runners. Upon arrival, we found out that the middle school runners would be running a 2 mile course instead of the normal 1.5 mile course. This made the race tough. However, Jacobe Croff had a good performance, finishing tenth in the middle school boys race. Also improving their times for the year were Zach Sommerfeld and Ashley Ray.


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