The Soil & Water Conservation Districts of Montana, Inc. (SWCDMI) is accepting applications for mini-grants of up to $2,000 to fund local education and outreach efforts that address nonpoint source pollution and water quality issues.
Thanks to a grant from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, SWCDMI has $17,000 of federal Clean Water Act Section 319 funding available for local groups working on an education and outreach project that will increase awareness of local nonpoint source pollution issues. Examples of previously funded projects include workshops, conferences, trainings, and student field studies. Projects must address larger watershed efforts in the applicant’s area.
Applicants may be conservation districts, local watershed groups, county extension service, counties, schools, etc. The applicant must have the ability to manage federal funding. Applicants must provide a minimum of 40% in non-federal local in-kind or cash match. An accepted DEQ Watershed Restoration Plan is not required for this funding. The grants are funded on a reimbursement basis only. Applications will be reviewed by a panel from the Montana Watershed Coordination Council’s Education and Outreach Committee that includes individuals from a range of organizations.
The call for applications round began on August 26, 2013, with an application deadline of September 27, 2013. $8,500 will be available for this round of funding.
For more information on the mini-grants, application forms or for assistance in preparing the grant application, please contact: Jan Fontaine, SWCDMI/MACD, 406.443.5711 or by email at [email protected] or visit the mini grant wiki website at .
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