4-H Busy Getting Ready For Fair

4-H Livestock Sale to Start at 5:00 p.m. on Friday August 2nd

The 4-H program in Richland County has been growing, in fact in 2013, Richland County 4-H added a new club; the Homesteaders, who will also be taking part in this year’s fair festivities. With all the growth in the 4-H program, the livestock barns at the fair will be full of exciting exhibits for people of all ages. The exhibits will include beef, dairy, hogs, sheep, horses, rabbits, goats and poultry. Fair is the time for 4-H members to demonstrate the knowledge that they have gained over the past 4-H year with their animal projects. In addition to the livestock shows, the market livestock program will be holding their annual sale on Friday, August 2nd at 5:00 p.m. at the 4-H arena. The sale will be following the 4-H award ceremony starting at 4:00 p.m. and the Cloverbud Orphan Animal Parade. The award ceremony is a time of celebration for 4-H members, parents, leaders and supporters. The Orphan Animal Parade is an event for our Cloverbud members who are 6 to 8 years old to participate in the Fair with animals of their choice. All are welcome to attend these fun and entertaining events to support the Richland County 4-H members and program.

4-H Exhibit Building

With the Richland County Fair rapidly approaching, 4-H members are busy putting final touches on all their 4-H project exhibits. In the 4-H program, youth have the opportunity to partake in projects that enhance education in important life skills as well as provide members with lifelong interests and hobbies. As 4-H in the nation continues to grow and change, 4-H projects are becoming more diverse. The projects that youth can now enroll include projects from sewing to sport fishing, cooking to skate boarding, and woodworking to robotics. Fair is a time for all 4-H members to display and showcase what they have learned and completed this year in their 4-H projects. This year the 4-H Exhibit Building will have a vast display of exhibits completed by Richland County 4-H members. The exhibits will be on display from Wednesday, July 31 at noon to the conclusion of the Fair on Saturday, August 3rd. We would like to invite everyone to stop by and take some time to enjoy the exhibits that Richland County youth have completed this past year.


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