Fullmer to Present Sugarbeet Crop Information

All signs still point to an above average sugarbeet crop. Soil samples taken last week were the second best in the past five years according to Sidney Sugars agriculturalist Russ Fullmer. The next root samples will be taken the second week in August. Farmers are irrigating regularly and Fullmer says they will need to keep the crop wet until harvest.

Although the crop looks good overall, there has been some hail damage including 88 acres north of Glendive that were severely damaged, 740 acres by Fallon with lesser damage and some acres south of Sidney that have been hit twice by hail. “The hail is a setback but the beets will come back,” Fullmer stated.

Monitors are in the fields measuring temperature and humidity. No cercospera has been reported yet, but fields are being closely watched. There are some beet diseases, probably from the rain, but those are not widespread according to Fullmer.

To hear more about the sugar industry in general and Sidney Sugars in particular, as well as the progress with this year’s crop, attend Russ Fullmer’s presentation at the MSU-EARC Field Day this Thursday.


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