Trashy Tuesday Slated for July 16

Trashy Tuesday will be held on July 16th from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Richland Opportunities, Inc. ROI is located at 1100 Silurian Lane, Sidney. Trashy Tuesday is an event in which the community can recycle their #1 plastic bottles, #2-#7 plastic bottles, office paper, computer paper, junk mail, aluminum cans, newspaper, magazines and corrugated cardboard.

Trashy Tuesdays are hosted by a volunteer board whose goal is to provide more recycling options for Richland County. On a day to day basis, recycling is limited to cardboard, newspaper and magazines, #1 plastic bottles, and aluminum cans with Richland Opportunities. During the Trashy Tuesday’s events, plastic bottles #2-7, and office, computer, and junk mail are taken to recycle.

This past year, Richland Opportunities, Inc. has recycled 776,341 pounds of material, which includes the Trashy Tuesday’s recyclables. This includes 529,120 pounds of crushed cardboard, 233,780 pounds of newspaper, magazines, and office papers, 6,691 pounds of aluminum cans, 6,750 pounds of plastic bottles.

From this material, ROI earned $18,959.37. This means that ROI earned $9.11 per work day to pay all the recycling workers, operate, maintain and fuel three recycling vehicles, operate and maintain the recycling buildings and balers, fix any recycling infrastructure. Through the financial assistance of the City and County, ROIs per day recycling income increases to $14.88. To further this income, ROI has asked all the cardboard businesses to voluntarily assist in paying for the cardboard pickups. The expense of picking up each stop for cardboard is $5.50, or a third of ROI’s recycling income. Recycling does not pay for itself and must be supplemented by the community, either through bringing their recyclables to ROI or through financial donations.

Please remember to presort your plastic bottles into two groups; plastic bottle #1 in one group and plastic bottles #2- #7 in another group. It is also important for the health and safety of the volunteers to rinse bottles and jugs out. Office paper, computer paper and junk mail can be combined. Newspaper and magazines can be grouped together. If you have questions about recycling or Trashy Tuesdays, Cindy Eleson can be contacted at (406) 488-3341.

Remember Trashy Tuesday on July 16th and “Toss It Our Way.”


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