Annual Dryland Field days set for June 20-21 at Froid, Sidney Research Farms

Two back-to-back dryland field days highlighting research being conducted at farmsites near Froid and Sidney are on tap for Thursday and Friday, June 20th and 21st.This year’s lineup for the two annual tours includes several shared topics, so if you have to miss one event, you can still catch much of the information at the other.

Joint Field Day Talks:

Headlining both events are two workshop presentations, the first a sprayer calibration workshop for local producers and the second a brief recap of the March 5th “Pipeline Reclamation Workshop” held in Sidney this past winter. Richland and Roosevelt County Extensions Agents Tim Fine and Ann Ronning will conduct the calibration workshops, for which pesticide points are pending. ARS Plant Ecologist Erin Espeland will provide the recap of the pipeline reclamation workshop with a special emphasis on grazing and weed management.

Also speaking at both events are ARS scientists working with pest insect species. ARS Entomologist Dave Branson will give an update on this year’s grasshopper outlook, while ARS Insect Ecologist Tatyana Rand will discuss alfalfa weevil, which posed significant problems for several producers this past year.

Field Day Times, Locations:

The annual Froid Research Farm Field Day is set for Thursday, June 20th at the farmsite located 8 miles north of Culbertson on MT Highway 16. Registration is at 1:00 pm. All the day’s speakers and topics are listed below. The tour concludes with a free steak dinner at 5:00 pm sponsored by the Sheridan and Roosevelt County Conversation Districts. Other event sponsors include the Sheridan and Roosevelt County Extension offices, and the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory (NPARL) in Sidney.

The fifth annual Sidney “Dryland” Field Tour will be held Friday, June 21st, from 9 am to noon at ARS’ Research Farm located about 4 miles north of Sidney along MT Highway 16. Take a left on County Rd. 129 and another left on County Rd. 346 to reach the farmsite. The full slate of talks for that event are also listed below. The Sidney tour is sponsored by Richland County Extension and NPARL and concludes with a free lunch provided by MSU Extension.

Froid Field Day Program:

“What’s New in Washington” - Gordon Stoner, Past President Montana Grain Growers Association “Sprayer Calibration Workshop” - Richland and Roosevelt County Extension Agents Tim Fine and Ann Ronning

“An overview of the pipeline construction and reclamation process with an emphasis on weeds and grazing” - ARS Plant Ecologist Erin Espeland

“Biology and control of the alfalfa weevil in the MonDak” – ARS Insect Ecologist Tatyana Rand

“Rangeland grasshopper population outlook” - ARS Entomologist Dave Branson

“New ARS sequencing study” (using cereals, pulses and oilseeds in no-till dryland crop rotations) - ARS Agronomist Brett Allen

“Microbial changes following oilseeds and their potential impact on Fusarium species” - ARS Microbiologist TheCan Caesar

“Greenhouse gas emissions from perennial biomass crops with various nitrogen fertilization rates” - ARS Soil Scientist Upendra Sainju

“New demonstration plots: Pulse, oilseed, corn and cover crop” - Roosevelt County Extension Agent Ann Ronning; NRCS District Conservationist Rob Bray, Roosevelt County, and ARS Agronomist Brett Allen

Sidney ARS Field Day Program:

“Biology and control of the alfalfa weevil in the MonDak” – ARS Insect Ecologist Tatyana Rand

“Rangeland grasshopper population outlook” - ARS Entomologist Dave Branson

“National oilseeds project” (identifying renewable jet fuel stocks from crucifer oilseed feedstocks) - ARS Agronomist Brett Allen

“New diversification study” (using diversified cereals with pulse and oilseeds in 1, 2 and 4-yr. no-till dryland rotations) - ARS Agronomist Brett Allen

“Nitrogen fertilization rate and cover crop effects on malt barley performance in no-till malt barley-pea rotation” - ARS Soil Scientist Upendra Sainju

“Soft white winter wheat trial for winter hardiness” - ARS Agronomist Brett Allen

“An overview of the pipeline construction and reclamation process with an emphasis on weeds

and grazing” - ARS Plant Ecologist Erin Espeland

“Sprayer Calibration Workshop” - Richland and Roosevelt County Extension Agents Tim Fine and Ann Ronning

For more information on either of these events, contact Beth Redlin at 406-433-9427.


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