Crops and Weeds Field Day set June 27 at MSU's Post Research Farm

A free Crops and Weeds Field Day will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, June 27, at Montana State University’s Post Research Farm west of Bozeman.

This is an opportunity for pest control advisors, farm managers, chemical company cooperators and students to learn about ongoing crop and weed research programs at MSU. Research and demonstration plots of weed management techniques, pesticide application strategies, nutrient dynamics, cropping systems, insect management and crop traits will be open throughout the day with staff available to answer questions. Participants can also bring in water samples to do a quick pH test.

Speakers will include Fabian Menalled, Ed Davis, Erick Lehnhoff, and Erin Burns on weed management; Phil Bruckner on winter wheat breeding; Cecil Tharp on water quality and pesticide performance, David Weaver on wheat stem sawfly management; Pat Hatfield on integrated crop-livestock programs, and Emily Lockard, Hilary Parkinson and Linnea Skoglund on MSU Extension programs.

Attendees can receive Certified Crop Advisor CEU credits and commercial and private applicator pesticide recertification credits.

Registration is free. Refreshments, lunch and handbook will be provided.

The schedule is:

8:30 to 9 a.m. – Registration, welcome and news; 9 to 9:10 a.m. – MSU Extension, Gallatin County news; 9:10 to 9:40 a.m. – Pathogen and weed ID, Hilary Parkinson and Linnea Skoglund, MSU Schutter Diagnostic Lab; 9:40 to 10:20 a.m. – Integrated crop-livestock production, Pat Hatfield, Animal and Range Sciences; 10:20 to 11 a.m. – Herbicide resistance, news and updates. Fabian Menalled, Erick Lehnhoff and Erin Burns, Land Resources and Environmental Sciences; 11 a.m. to noon – Weed management in Montana, Ed Davis and Menalled, LRES; Noon to 12:40 p.m. – Lunch break; 12:40 to 1:20 p.m. – Impact of water quality on pesticide performance, Cecil Tharp, Animal and Range Sciences; 1:20 to 2 p.m. – Wheat stem sawfly management, David Weaver, LRES; 2 to 2:40 p.m. – Winter canola agronomy and diversified crop rotations, Perry Miller, LRES; 2:40 to 3:30 p.m. – Winter wheat breeding for Montana, Phil Bruckner, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology; 3:30 p.m. – Adjourn.

Participants are asked to pre-register no later than June 10 by contacting Hilary Parkinson at 406-994-6297 or [email protected]. They can otherwise register at the Post Farm on June 27. The Post Farm is located six miles west of Bozeman on U.S. Highway 191.

For more information, visit the MSU Cropland Weed Management Website at


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