Guest Opinion: Where's My Ammo?

If you’re a gun owner, whether it be rifle, pistol or shotgun you undoubtedly have one lingering question: “Where’s my ammo.”

Walk in to any spring goods or gun store in search of ammo for your guns and you’re apt to come away empty handed. The problem is so acute that many large retailers (Cabelas, Scheels, etc.) have placed limits on the amount any customer can buy (assuming, of course, that the customer can find it).

So where have all the shells gone? Panic buying by those who fear more restrictions on guns and gun owners may be a factor. When Obama and the liberals in Congress set out to tighten gun what they call “gun control” many feared that folks like Rep.Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Barbara Boxer would attempt to confiscate many firearms (and they certainly would have done so if they could have.)

But panic buying cannot account for all of the shortage. Many blame the Obama Administration for “hoarding” ammo as a means to sidestep the Second Amendment. Before you blame the “hoarding” charges on those “crazy right wing dissidents” consider this two members of Congress have introduced bills to investigate this Administration’s greed for ammo. Senator Jim Inhofe and Representative Frank Lucas have introduced bills in Congress to investigate these charges, and with good reason. This Administration has upped its order for ammunition for federal agencies by over 25%. That translates to 1.6 billion rounds of ammo more than enough for several wars. It is important to understand that this does not include military ammunition, only that used by Administrative Agencies such as F.B.I., Border Patrol, Federal Marshals, etc. all under the control of the Whitehouse.

So has Obama found what he thinks is a way to skirt the Second Amendment, not by limiting access to guns, but by making it impossible to obtain ammunition for them? Keep in mind that this is the President who has winked at the Constitution repeatedly, often making his own law via “Executive Orders” when he could not convince Congress to pass the laws he wanted.

Right now Obama is up to his neck in cover-ups Benghazi, illegal “snooping” in to private affairs of over 100 Associated Press reporters by wire tapping their business, home and cell phones in violation of the First Amendment, and reports by his own Administration that the I.R.S. used its considerable power to stymie any conservative organization that was affiliated with “tea party”, “patriot”, “9-12” (a Glenn Beck backed movement) or the promotion of “Constitutional Government”.

Of course Obama never lies about any of this just ask the liberal press or his Hollywood worshipers (or him). No, he’s more cunning than that. He uses “designated liars” instead. For the Benghazi terrorists debacle it was U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. For the I.R. S. scandal it was A. G. Eric Holder. And for the A.P. wiretaps it was a very nervous Press Secretary, Jay Carney. This insulates Obama and gives him deniability. A man who would manipulate these matters with lies, half-truths denying access to witnesses, reprisals against whistle-blowers, invoking “Executive Privilege” and stonewalling would have no trouble bypassing the Second Amendment and indirectly stripping citizens of their right to “keep and bear arms”. If you don’t believe that, Toto, you should know “you’re not in Kansas anymore.” Welcome to Obama’s Fantasyland!

As to whether all or part of the 1.6 billion rounds of ammo are hidden beneath the White House, that’s a subject for another day.


Reader Comments(2)

Reloader writes:

I got my ammo. I began stock piling years ago. Plenty of reloading components to. I know several others who did likewise. Now Sidney needs a good shooting range. Glendive has one, why not Sidney?

USMC5811 writes:

It really is panic buying, combined with all the new buyers needing ammo for the millions of guns that O has sold since November. The Feds are only buying a couple of types of ammo. And the employees of the stores that supply ammo (Walmart etc) are buying the ammo and then selling it at marked up prices to the rest of us.

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