Montana DPHHS Recognizes Dr. George Scordalakes' Practice

Dr. George Scordalakes, Sidney Health Center Pediatrician, and his staff were recently recognized for their efforts to ensure Montana’s children are immunized by two years of age.

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Immunization Program presented the AFIX Certificate of Achievement – Healthy People 2012 to Dr. Scordalakes at the Immunization Regional Workshop this spring.

Dr. Scordalakes’ practice achieved an 82% coverage rate in 2012. “Although we are happy with this result, our goal is to achieve 100% immunization protection for our patients,” stated Dr. Scordalakes. “With continued vigilance and wider acceptance of immunizations by our patients, we will be able to achieve total protection of our patient population against those communicable diseases for which vaccines are currently available.”

Over the years, concerns have been expressed by some patients concerning the safety of some vaccines in use. To date, no studies have substantiated a causal relationship between any of the approved vaccines and any significant adverse outcome. Rumors about the connection between MMR vaccine and autism have been proven to be totally unfounded.

One of the greatest achievements of modern medicine is the ability to produce immunity against a wide variety of devastating infectious diseases through the use of appropriate immunization. Statistics and key facts continue to support the use of immunizations.

Children and adults no longer die of diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. In addition, the disfiguring illness of smallpox has been eliminated from the face of the planet. Furthermore, people are no longer paralyzed by polio and cases of meningitis due to bacteria. Babies are no longer born with the devastating stigmata of congenital rubella. And caner, as a result of Hepatitis B infection, has dropped to almost undetectable levels.

It takes commitment and dedication to attain high immunization rates. Dr. Scordalakes and his staff are committed to achieving 100% immunization coverage for the pediatric patients they serve at Sidney Heath Center.


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