Sidney's Town Clean Up Week Scheduled for May 19-25

The City of Sidney and Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture are partnering to host Clean Sweep, a week dedicated to cleaning up and beautifying the Sunrise City.

Businesses, families, individuals, groups and organizations are encouraged to set aside time the week of May 19-25 to help spruce up Sidney. Large trash bags, donated by the City of Sidney, are available at the Chamber or City Hall for those assisting in the cleanup effort.

As an added incentive to families, the City of Sidney is donating a Family Swimming Pass to the Sidney Pool. In order to be eligible for the contest, families must post a photo to the Chamber’s Facebook page showing their family cleaning up. At the conclusion of the week, a drawing for the pool pass will be conducted.

“We encourage people to take pride in our community and participate in the clean up efforts. Sidney has always been known for being a well-kept community, and with a summer full of events and activities, we want to make sure Sidney looks bright and beautiful to our visitors,” commented Wade VanEvery, Chamber Executive Director.

For suggested sites to clean or for further information, please contact the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture at 406-433-1916 or City Hall at 406-433-2809.


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