Sidney Students of the Month

Art Department

Dain started his art career in his junior year. Dain has an amazing talent in art. Although he enjoys the all-art medium, he is especially gifted in pen and ink drawings. Dain is punctual, polite, hardworking and intelligent. He has been a great participant in the art department. Dain is the son of David Earwood.

Sidney Middle School 8th Grade

The March 8th grade student of the month for Sidney Middle School is Kasey Gorder. Kasey is the daughter of Ted and Tammy Gorder. Kasey is described by her teachers as always happy, smiling or laughing and just a pleasant addition to any class she is in. She has a confidence about her that is unusual for a middle school student. Kasey is absolutely an honest person. She cares about the well-being of her classmates. She keeps a positive outlook on life and encourages that in others. It has been a pleasure having her as a student at SMS these past three years. She is super friendly to all students and teachers. She is a hard worker and very nice girl.

Sidney High School Communication Arts

The Communication Arts Department at Sidney High School is pleased to announce Michaela Lofthus as its Student of the Month for February. Michaela is actively involved in Advanced English by reading critically, insightfully discussing literary interpretations and working collaboratively with her peers.

Outside of class, Michaela is active in school plays, speech and drama, competing at state for the third year in a row and served on the yearbook staff. She is also a driving member in Close-up and recently returned from Hawaii where the group attended student leadership conferences. Michaela is the daughter of Jessie Fisher.

West Side School

Congratulations to Tate Wieferich who has been selected West Side March Student of the Month! Tate is a conscientious, dedicated, hard worker. He is respectful and helpful to fellow classmates and to his teachers – a true role model to follow! In music he actively participates in group activities by carefully listening, singing, moving and playing classroom instruments. He volunteers to perform vocal solos. He is a Star Reader. After school activities include rodeo, flag football, hockey, basketball and soccer. Tate is the son of Dave and Cathy Wieferich. Keep up the hard work, Tate, and best wishes always!


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