Montana Transportation Commission Announces Change In Speed Limit, MT 16 & MT 200 Corridor – Glendive to Fairview

The Montana Transportation Commission would like to inform the traveling public of the approved speed limit changes for the MT 16 – MT 200 corridor from Glendive to Fairview. A Road Safety Audit and Corridor Study were completed by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) resulting in the Comprehensive Speed Limit Investigation.  The investigation resulted in a single uniform speed limit for all traffic day or night along MT 16 & MT 200 from Glendive to Fairview.  MDT and local officials believe this will be beneficial to the traveling public, reducing crashes, deaths and the amount of unsafe passing maneuvers within the corridor. 

The motion initiated by Commissioner Carol Lambert and seconded by Commissioner Rick Griffith was to set the corridor speed limit to 65 mph day and night for both cars and trucks. Beginning at milepost 1.8 north of Glendive and continuing north to milepost 31.6, an approximate distance of 29.8 miles; (milepost 31.6 to 32.3 Savage Speed Limit) a set 65 mph speed limit beginning at milepost 32.3, north of Savage and continuing north to milepost 49.8, an approximate distance of 17.5 miles; (milepost 49.8 to 53.4 Sidney Speed Limits) a set 65 mph speed limit beginning at milepost 53.4, north of Sidney and continuing north to milepost 62.2 south of Fairview, an approximate distance of 8.8 miles. The motion passed unanimously.

MDT will be posting the new speed limit for the MT 16 – MT 200 corridor from Glendive to Fairview on May 7, 2013.

For more information, please contact District Administrator, Shane Mintz at (406) 345-8212.  For the hearing impaired, the TTY number is (406) 444-7696 or 1-800-335-7592, or call the Montana Relay at 711. 


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