Thorne and Taylor Receive Honorary FFA Degrees

The highlight of the 2013 year for the Watford City FFA Chapter came Thursday, April 4th when our chapter held its 54th annual Awards Banquet. Over 200 parents, members and guests were in attendance. Every year the chapter honors local people who support the FFA by presenting Honorary FFA Degrees. This year’s recipients were Calli Thorne and Kent Taylor.

Calli Thorne is an alumni of Watford City High School and was a very active FFA member throughout high school. She continued to support our FFA after she graduated as a special guest speaker at our 50th Annual award banquet four years ago. During the past two years as our county extension agent, Calli helped serve as a chapter creed speaking judge, a judge at District Leadership and helped prepare livestock judges for both 4-H and FFA judging. Our FFA Chapter has appreciated all the help and support she has given our FFA Chapter. We look forward to many years of working with her as a partner in Agriculture Education.

Kent Taylor has been a strong supporter of our FFA Chapter as both a parent and a co-op supervisor. His business, Taylor Ag has been a great partner with our program as he has supervised ten co-op students throughout the years. He has given students in our school the opportunity to learn about agribusiness, fertilizers, pesticides, spraying equipment and even how to fly an airplane. As a parent, Kent has been a strong advocate for our program as all five of his children were involved in FFA. His support of our program throughout the years is greatly appreciated and he is very deserving of this recognition.

“Honorary Membership” – farmers, school superintendents, principles, members of boards of education, chapter advisors, teachers, business people and others who are helping to advance Agricultural Education and the FFA, and who have rendered outstanding service, may be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meetings or convention.


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