Summer Is Getting Close


According to the US Coast Guard, half of all recreation boating fatalities happen in calm water and almost three-fourths of fatal boating accident victims drowned ~ 84% were not wearing a life jacket. For more information go to:

Pay Attention When Children Are Near Or In The Water:

-Always keep a watchful eye on your children when they are in or near water even if they know how to swim

-Don’t be distracted by others, phone calls, text messages, or reading when your children are in or near water

-Children should wear US Coast Guard approved life jackets ~ especially those who can’t swim well or can’t swim at all.

-Be aware of the weather, waves, other swimmers and boaters

-Keep a phone near to use only in an emergency

-If your child is missing, check the water first

-Even teens need supervision and guidelines to follow

Educate Yourself About Water And Boat Safety:

-Children and adults should know how to swim when you live near or spend time near water

-Teach children NEVER play around water or swim alone

-Be aware that there is a difference between swimming pools and open water ~ Open water has currents, undertows and underwater hazards ~ Do not dive in open water

-Complete a “Boating Safety Course”

-Always wear a life jacket when in a boat ~ be a good example to others

-Learn “How to choose the correct life jacket”- The life jacket should be appropriate for the size and weight of the person wearing it -The chin or ears should not slip through the neck opening in the life jacket - The life jacket should be properly fastened- The life jacket should hold the head above water- Learn to float and swim in the life jacket

-Never “Drink alcoholic beverages” when boating or involved in water sports

-Check your boat yearly for safety concerns

-Do not let children operate personal water crafts ~ Supervise your teens

-Make this a fun safe summer. For more information or to become involved in keeping our community safe contact Mary Friesz, Injury Prevention Specialist at Richland County Health Department 433-2207. Richland County Injury Prevention Team helping keep our community safe & healthy.


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