Leadership Task Force Plans Graduation

The fourteenth class of the Sidney Leadership Program will have their graduation luncheon on April 24, at the Sidney Moose Lodge. The public is invited to attend this noon time event which is organized by the Leadership Task Force Committee of the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture. Chosen to present the keynote address is Karen Olson Beenken. Karen is a member of the Leadership Task Force, a past president of the Chamber (1998), and Executive Vice President of the family owned Blue Rock Products Company of Sidney. Blue Rock Products Co. is celebrating their 100th Anniversary in 2013, and the Chamber wishes to commemorate this milestone with Karen’s message on Leadership values of Blue Rock. A presentation will also be given by a graduating class member to report on the class project they are undertaking. Tickets for this occasion are $10 and can be purchased in advance by calling the Chamber office at 406-433-1916.


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