David Hardy Wins Valley John Deere Gator

It’s not quite the same as winning a new car, but it’s pretty close. Valley Irrigation, whose products are sold at Agri-Industries in Sidney and Williston, recently had a promotion that would give away four new John Deere Gators. Every customer throughout the country was entered in once for each pivot they purchased.

David Hardy of Fairview was one of the lucky winners, even though there were thousands of entries. Until he got the phone call, he had no idea there was even a promotion going on. Hardy stated that he loves the John Deere Gators because the space between the tires “just happens to fit my row spacing.”

Hardy started installing irrigation systems in his fields in 1991 and now has 2100 acres of pivot irrigation. Although he still has 850 acres of flood irrigation, he plans to eventually be totally mechanized.


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