North Dakota 4-Hers learn how the legislative process works.
NDSU Agriculture Communication
North Dakota 4-Hers recently visited Bismarck for a lesson in citizenship.
They gathered in Bismarck on Feb. 17 and 18 to practice the legislative process, interact with legislators and learn how to become a change agent for the future.
Activities on Sunday, Feb. 17, included workshops on political party platforms, etiquette and protocol when addressing legislators, and a mock 2013 Citizenship in Action general election.
Youth learned about the role political parties have in shaping our government and then put their knowledge to work by creating their own party platforms and nominating candidates to run on a mock general election ballot. Youth campaigned for office and ran the polls for the mock election.
The youth spent Monday, Feb. 18, at the North Dakota Capitol. Youth learned how bills are made, observed committee meetings, toured the Capitol, met with their local representatives and senators, and viewed the Senate or House in session. The youth also hosted a 4-H Showcase at which legislators and guests viewed displays that highlighted 4-H programming in each youth’s county.
The NDSU Extension Service’s Center for 4-H Youth Development and the North Dakota 4-H Foundation sponsored the event.
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