Discussion of Oil & Gas Development In Watford City

With the continuous and ever-changing activity occurring within the county, NDSU Extension Service will be facilitating a program called “Land & Mineral Owners Discussion of Oil & Gas Development.”

This event will be hosted by NDSU Extension Service for land owners, mineral owners and the general public to discuss the ongoing oil and gas development in western North Dakota. Topics will include mineral leasing, pipeline easements, surface damages and related matters based on participants’ interest and questions.

This is an opportunity to consider the implications of industry technologies, such as horizontal drilling, siting multiple wells on a pad, and a pipeline system for oil, natural gas, water, and other fluids.

“Sometimes agricultural producers and landowners get left out of the conversation and decisions on production, construction, and access to transportation are all greatly influenced by this growth,” claims Gene Veeder, McKenzie County Job Development Authority. “We will be presenting some of the projections for the industry and projects and proposals to address the impacts at this meeting.”

The program will be held on Tuesday, February 12 at 1:30 p.m. CST at the Watford City Civic Center. It is open to anyone interested in learning more about the changes and ever-lasting impact that the oil and gas industry will have on McKenzie County.

Primary speakers for the meeting include David Saxowsky, Associate Professor, NDSU Department of Agribusiness & Applied Economics, Dale Enerson, land and mineral owner from Mountrail County and Gene Veeder, McKenzie County Job Development Authority executive director.

“We believe this meeting will be a great opportunity for anyone in the county to discuss what you see happening and possibly gain some insight as to what might be coming in the near future relating to this historic economic boom here in McKenzie County,” stated Calli Thorne, NDSU Extension Agent. “It is affecting everyone in different ways so this is an opportunity to come and learn more about the oil industry and share your thoughts and ask questions.”

For more information on the program you can contact Calli or Marcia at (701) 444-3451.


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