MDT Schedules Two Informational Meetings To Discuss MT16/MT 200 Glendive To Fairview Speed Limit Investigation

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is conducting two informational meetings to discuss the MT 16 / MT 200 Glendive to Fairview speed limit investigation.  The area of investigation begins on MT 16 at approximately Reference Post (RP) 0.6 at the I-94 Interchange in Glendive and extends northeasterly to the intersection of County Road 123 (RP 50.4) south of Sidney.  The investigation resumes at Sidney’s northern city limit boundary (RP 52.6) north of the MT 200 intersection with Holly Street, and extends northeast on MT 200 to the Fairview city limits (RP 62.5).  The investigation excludes areas within the city limits of Glendive, Sidney, and Fairview. It also excludes the special speed limit already established for the community of Savage (R.P. 32.0).

The purpose of the meetings is to:

* discuss the concept of establishing a 65-mph day/night speed limit for cars and trucks on the rural portions of these highways,

* explain the findings of the speed limit investigation and,

*  gather public comment.

The informational meetings will be held in the following locations:

* Monday, February 4, 2013, starting at 6 p.m. at the Dawson Community College, 300 College Drive, Ullman Center Lecture Hall (UC 102) in Glendive, MT

* Tuesday, February 5, 2013, starting at 6 p.m. at the Sidney High School cafeteria, 1012 4th Avenue South East, Sidney, MT

Both meetings will have the same agenda and will follow the same format.


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