Trashy Tuesday Event Scheduled for January 15

The Recycling Advisory Committee would like to announce the next Trashy Tuesday. The Trashy Tuesday event is being held at Richland Opportunities Inc. (ROI) workshop on January 17 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ROI’s address is 1100 Silurian Lane in Sidney. The events are sponsored by volunteers who give their time to ensure that recycling can occur in lieu of throwing the listed material away. Items being accepted on the 17th are:

1) Corrugated cardboard- This type of cardboard has ridges and spaces in the box. Types of boxes not accepted include single sheet material like cereal, pop cases, or cracker boxes.

2) Office paper- Office paper can include all junk mail, envelopes, colored paper. Types of paper not accepted are neon colored material, cardstock and manila envelopes.

3) Newspapers and magazines - This includes the “slick” advertisement sheets and magazines/catalogs that have a thickness up to one inch.

4) PETE Plastic #1 bottles- This plastic is generally clear and includes pop, juice, dish soap and water bottles and peanut butter jars. The chasing arrow sign with a 1 at the base of the bottle indicates this plastic type.

5) Plastic bottles #2-#7 – These bottles include milk jugs, pill, laundry detergent, and hair product bottles. The chasing arrow sign with numbers 2-7 indicates the plastic types and # 2-7 must be sorted separately from #1 plastic.

*Please rinse out all bottles, especially milk jugs, as the bottles become moldy, and this becomes a health and safety concern. Trashy Tuesday events cannot take Styrofoam, yogurt containers or other containers that do not have a neck, threads and a cap. Caps should be removed from all bottles. The public is encouraged to presort all materials as the event is a self sort process.

Recycling saves energy by reusing already processed materials. By recycling one aluminum can, the energy saved can run a 100 watt bulb or a TV running for four hours. Twenty recycled cans may be made with the same amount of energy that it takes to make one new can and using recycled cans takes 95 % less energy than making new cans. In 2005, 54 billion cans were recycled saving energy equivalent to 15 million barrels of crude oil, America’s entire gas consumption for one day. By comparison, it takes 24 million gallons of crude oil to make one billion water bottles and this amount of crude would fuel 30,000 cars for a year. Recycling one ton of plastics saves 7.4 cubic yards of landfill space, basically the size of a walk-in closet. Every ton of recycled paper saves approximately 4 barrels of oil, 4,200 kilowatt hours of energy and enough energy to heat and air-condition the average North American home for almost 6 months. Paper and cardboard together make up approximately 73% of the landfill space in America and once covered paper does not disintegrate. The facts which support recycling are overwhelming as energy and landfill space are impacted by recycling. In 2008, Richland County diverted only 2.4% of its waste through recycling efforts, while the rest of Montana recycled 18% of their waste. We invite the public to collect for this event and plan to recycle materials every three months. Remember Trashy Tuesday on January 15th and “toss it our way.” The next 2013 Trashy Tuesday events are April 16th, July 16th and October 15th.


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