“The Magic of Jay Owenhouse” Sponsored by The Richland Co. Law Enforcement Assoc. Jan. 19

Jay’s New Show Was Voted

“Best Touring Family Show in Asia!”

The phenomenal touring Owenhouse show breaks new ground across the nation with a brand new, elaborate stage show called “Magic on The Edge”, a mind boggling, spell-binding experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat! Jay’s new show is a theatrical event where audiences not only witness the magic they experience it! You’ll see audience members: Float in mid Air! Get Sawed in Half! Disappear! And Predict the Future! The show also features Jay’s New Bengal Tigers, Shekinah -a royal white tiger and her sister Sheena a standard orange Bengal!

Come see why Hollywood entertainment journalist, Mark Ebner, calls The Magic of Jay Owenhouse,” (with apologies to PT Barnum), the greatest touring Family show on earth.”

Show information City- Sidney, MT. Place- The Sidney High School Gym. Date Saturday, January 19, 2013. Time- 4 p.m.

Ticket information- tickets are on sale now and may be purchased in advance at a discount by calling 1-800-779-8600. Advanced ticket prices adult and children $20. Tickets at the door child $25, adults $25. Proceeds will benefit The Richland County Law Enforcement Association.


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