The Richland County 4-H Winter Carnival was held on December 28th at the Richland County Extension Office, hosted by the county’s 4-H Jr. Leaders. This event is geared towards the junior 4-H members as a way for them to meet other 4-H members in the county, as well as have some fun and was very successful. The Jr. Leaders planned dinner, a cookie decorating station, a roping station and games for the whole group. The games included interactive games involving a parachute, which was a huge hit. Another favorite was, of course, the roping station where many of the Jr. Leaders spent one on one time teaching the younger 4-H members how to correctly throw a loop. This one on one time spent together highlights one of the programmatic values that 4-H is based upon: Relationship Building. To see the members work together and share skills with one another helps build positives relationships of trust and confidence. This event was a great way for many 4-Hers to make new friends, learn some new skills and of course have some fun.
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