USDA Announces Disaster Assistance Sign-up for 2011 Crop Losses

North Dakota USDA Farm Service Agency State Executive Director Aaron Krauter recently announced that producers can enroll in the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) program for 2011 crop year losses beginning Oct. 22, 2012. Under the 2008 Farm Bill, SURE authorizes assistance to farmers and ranchers who suffered crop losses caused by natural disasters occurring through Sept. 30, 2011.

“Eligible producers who experienced a 2011 crop loss can contact their local county FSA office to learn more about the SURE program,” said Krauter. “All eligible farmers and ranchers must sign up for 2011 SURE benefits before the June 7, 2013 deadline,” he said.

To qualify for a SURE payment, the producer’s operation must be located in a county that was declared a disaster for 2011 and have at least a 10 percent production loss that affects one crop of economic significance. Producers with agricultural operations located outside a disaster county are eligible for SURE benefits if they had a production loss greater or equal to 50 percent of the normal production on the farm.  All counties in North Dakota either received a primary Secretarial Disaster Designation or were contiguous to a designated county.

To meet program eligibility requirements, producers must have obtained a policy or plan of insurance for all insurable crops through the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation and obtained Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) coverage on non-insurable crops, if available, from FSA. Eligible farmers and ranchers who meet the definition of a socially disadvantaged, limited resource or beginning farmer or rancher do not have to meet this requirement. Forage crops intended for grazing are not eligible for SURE benefits.

For more information on SURE program eligibility requirements contact your local FSA office or visit the SURE website at


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