Prewitt & Co. Purchases Yellowstone Livestock

On August 1, the Montana Board of Livestock approved the purchase of Yellowstone Livestock by Prewitt & Co. The first sale at the new Sidney Livestock Market Center was held August 8.

Since then they have been working hard to create a competitive market place for this area’s livestock. Larger numbers of cattle will bring more buyers and securing those cattle has been the number 1 priority. They had some great runs this fall and look forward to building on that in the future. Area producers have been very supportive of the change. Rancher Jerry McMillen said, “ I think it was a very good move. It seems like they are doing very well with it so far. They do a good job of marketing from weigh-up calves to feeder calves, to bred cows.”

Bryan Prevost of Lambert is also very satisfied with Sidney Livestock Market Center. After 12 years of marketing their cattle elsewhere, they decided to give the local market a try. “I think they did a great job,” Prevost stated. “We couldn’t have asked for anything different. They worked for me and we couldn’t have wished for a better outcome.”

Greg Rauschendorfer of Lambert is equally pleased with Sidney Livestock. “I would say that the experience lately has been very positive,” he said. “Tim Larson, the manager, is doing a very professional job. He understands the industry and markets. Sidney has a very good facility and I think they’ll put it to good use. I have a very positive feeling going into the future. It’s going to be good.”

Some outside changes are being made to make the sale more efficient. They have started replacing water tanks to make sure all cattle have access to fresh water. Increasing pen size and making improvements to the feed bunks are also on the to do list.

The company has been very fortunate to have a great staff working hard to make Sidney Livestock a great place to market cattle.

Prewitt & Co. will be moving into their new office the end of December. With both offices in one location, Prewitt & Co. and Sidney Livestock Market Center are looking forward to working with you in 2013.


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